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Adventure Duo Activities

1) Walking & Rafting

For all those who want their vacation to include action notes, we suggest a simple and at the same time enchanting combined walking and rafting tour.
The starting point is by walking from the Kleidonia bridge to the Aristi Bridge. It is an easy walking route next to Voidomatis river, that lasts about 3 hours. After reaching our destination, we will enjoy our picnic next to the crystal clear waters of Voidomatis river. Immediately after, we will receive the equipment to get ready to board the rafting boats down the river and return to the starting point.

Clear river waters

2) Hiking in Voidomatis Gorge with a pic nic in nature

Explore through a magical hiking route the most beautiful gorge of Epirus, crossing a path with natural borders, two historical bridges and a view of a famous river! Complete your experience with a... riverside picnic and live the experience of multi-star accommodation! Enjoy a unique three days in Zagorochoria, through a comprehensive package that includes authentic Epirotian hospitality in the beautiful village of Aristi, hiking on the famous path in the Voidomatis Gorge, from the bridge of Aristi to the bridge of Kleidonia and traditional tastes.

top of a mountain with amazing view
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